As part of our role as Principal Contractor for Network Rail, Covanburn carried out an upgrade to an existing Network Rail depot at Carstairs. The overall project involved the remodellling of an existing rail depot at Carstairs Junction.
The site is located next to the West Coast Main Line, therefore any disruption to services in the area had the potential for causing significant delays to the rail network.
The works included: the completion of the new car park with drainage and lighting; new welfare and office facilities; new storage facilities; lighting and CCTV installation; demolition of redundant buildings and provision of a new power supply for the depot provided by Scottish Power.
The key work items included:
Care was taken to avoid any existing services and all excavations were carried out under a Permit to Dig. The duct routes included working in existing verges and road crossings through the existing Depot access road to provide supply to existing columns that were to remain
Ducts were installed in sections and were backfilled at the end of each shift to allow unhindered access for the Depot at night.Where there was insufficient working room, temporary traffic management was set up at ‘pinch points’ along the access road.
The verges were fully reinstated. Road crossing were reinstated using concrete surround to the ducts and then fresh bituminous surfacing.
As well as providing the new lighting, the works involved incorporating some of the legacy lighting for compound areas and removal of the redundant columns that were deemed to be beyond serviceable use.
The Maintenance Delivery Unit Depot at Carstairs had been in operation for more than 50 years. Over that time, the facility has been added to and upgraded, however, it was deemed to no longer be fit for purpose.
The delivery unit depot was made fit for purpose for the Network Rail staff, the car park had been made usable with the addition of the new surface. With the addition of the new lighting, the whole area was made safer for its users.