Over the years considerable flooding had been occurring on Croftpark Avenue, Glasgow.
As a result, the Council decided to take action and create a SUDS within the confines of the old golf course at Kings Park. This would alleviate the flooding and reduce road closures, water damage and traffic build-up nearby.
The following works were undertaken:
The project commenced with an extensive tree removal exercise to clear the area for the new attenuation pond.
The works required to be carried out during Autumn and early Winter. The bulk earthworks were carried out successfully with no requirement to take material off site. Topsoil was stripped and bunded in storage areas before the subsoil was removed to form the pond and drainage channels.
In order to minimise the disruption to the surround park, tracked dumpers were used with wide tracks. This also allowed the earthworks to continue when ordinary dumpers would have failed due to the poor weather.
The excavated material from the pond was transported to a different part of the park and formed into new landscaped areas. These were formed and shaped using a bulldozer to five smooth transitions and also to compact the new fill material.
New drainage channels were also formed across the adjacent slopes in the park to collect and carry water effectively toward the attenuation pond.
A new hydro break chamber was constructed at the outfall to the pond to control the flow.
The works were undertaken with an open mind to design between Glasgow City Council and Covanburn and areas of the design were ammended as the work progressed to ultimately improve the functionality of the SUDS system.